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413 所有的灵性修炼应该基于什么信念和理解?
July 16, 2012: On what firm faith and understanding should all spiritual effort be based? Our Lord enlightens us today.

Spiritual discipline is based on the faith in the unity of all beings on the basis of the all-pervasive immanent indwelling Atma. You may see a thousand individuals but fundamentally, they are all One – for they are but many waves on the face of a single underlying ocean. Food procured by the cooperative effort of all the limbs of the body is converted by the stomach and other organs again by cooperative effort into strength which is shared by all the limbs and organs. Not one part of the body is neglected in this process. So too, know that you are all the limbs of that One Cosmic Lord, who is far more expansive than the Universe. The Universe is just a small fraction of His splendour. Individuals--as individuals--may be deluded into the belief that they are different from the rest. But the Aathma in each is the Aathma in all.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27, 1966.
If you wish to experience oneness, you have to see the cosmos through the glass of ekatma-bhava (spiritual oneness).
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