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411 世尊今天解释人的身体是什么?领悟了这知识,它如何帮助我们灵修的进展?
July 14, 2012: Bhagawan explains today what in reality is a human being made of and how that understanding can help us progress in our spiritual quest?

What in reality is this body? It is but the Atma (soul) encased in five Koshas or sheaths – Annamaya (sheath composed of food), Pranamaya (sheath composed of vitality), Manomaya (one composed of thought), Vijnanamaya (sheath of intelligence), and Aanandamaya (sheath of bliss). By understanding this truth and contemplating over it, one attains discrimination to recede from these sheaths to the inner, more real core. Thus, step by step, a spiritual aspirant abandons one sheath after another and is able to dissolve away all of them, to achieve the knowledge of his unity with Brahmam (Divinity).
- Divine Discourse, July 13, 1965
Joys and sorrows are the results of the mind’s involvement with the transient and the trivial.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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