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410 在这快节奏的时代里,什么是当前之急?
July 13, 2012: What is the need of the hour in this fast-paced age? Bhagawan explains and encourages us.

Man fills his days with unremitting labour; he is immersed in perpetual anxiety and worry. Busy beyond description, with no time to stand and silently contemplate God's handiwork, he is troubled by strange inexplicable misgivings; he runs helter-skelter after hollow comforts; he is blinded by hate and greed. Caught in this toil and turmoil, man has lost knowledge of the one anchor that will save him from the tornado, namely, discipline of the vagaries of the mind.

That discipline has to be learnt and practised as early as possible in life; it is not to be postponed to old age, when the physical equipment with which man is endowed has become worn out and weak. There are many who try to warn their children away from holy men and sacred books, for they fear that they may develop a taste for these disciplines too early in life; but there is no "too early" in this matter; it is always "late", whenever you begin. For, who knows when the span of life is brought to a close.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27, 1966.
人终日劳碌,时时刻刻活在忧虑中,忙得不得了,没有时间停下来,静静的默想上帝的创造物。他饱受莫名其妙的疑虑所苦,手忙脚乱的追逐空洞的慰藉,憎恨和贪婪使他盲目。他陷在这样的罗网中,忘记了能拯救他于飓风的那根锚,亦即心念的纪律训练。 那种纪律训练在人生中愈早开始愈好,不要拖延到年纪大了,色身衰弱了,才开始。很多父母要其子女离那些圣人和经典远一点,怕他们在人生太早的阶段就对这些修行产生兴趣。可是这种事没有“太早”这回事,不管你何时开始,永远是“晚了”,因为谁知道生命何时落幕。
God's love descends equally on all people. A fragrant flower retains its fragrance whether you hold in the right hand or the left.
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