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409 我们常会质问,“我们应该享受人生的物质快乐,或牺牲它们以得到精神上的福乐?”
July 12, 2012: Often we wonder, “Should we enjoy the trivial pleasures of life or give them up for spiritual bliss? “ Bhagawan gives us a prized answer, to lead us on to the treasure of joy.

Some materialists (Charvakas) argue that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. They say that the pleasure you have now should not be given up in the hope of something promised, if and when the pleasure you have is given up. But the happiness of renunciation can be enjoyed here and now, and is much more sustaining and inspiring than the happiness derived from grabbing and attachment. In addition, in being the master of your senses rather than being its slave, there is a certain joy. Now, you are slaves of the coffee habit. Resolve not to cater to that attachment and stick to that resolution for three days continuously. You become the master and the tongue is your slave. Coffee cannot hold sway over you any longer. If coffee is capable of conferring joy, all should get it equally from that beverage. But, some prefer tea and many find it distasteful. Some delight in taking it without sugar and others without milk. So, it is the mind that gives delight, not the coffee; it is not the object that caters to the senses.

The secret is, discover the fountain of joy within; that is a never-failing, ever-full, ever-cool fountain, for it rises from God.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 13 1965.

Peace and Joy must be attained through your own efforts - let every thought, word and deed of yours spring from love within.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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