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407 为神服务和当神的家人,两者之间的区别是什么?
July 10, 2012: What is the difference between serving God and being His very own? Our Loving God vividly explains to us today.

If your loyalty is towards your family, you are a servant of the family. If it is to God, you are a servant of God. But do not pay heed to the wages He gives. Do not argue and bargain for rewards. Only hired labourers clamour for wages and declare they are poor. Be a kinsman, a member of the family, a scion of God. Then, it behoves Him to maintain you in comfort. Try to live near God as His own kin. Do not calculate the number of hours you have spent in serving Him and lament that He has not compensated you enough. Be ever in joy, in His service, in doing good and being good.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 13, 1965.
When you offer every act of yours to God, your daily duties transform into worship.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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