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406 我们此生的目标应该是什么?我们今天该做什么以达到它?
July 9, 2012: What should be our goal in this life? What can we do today to accomplish it? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Sadhakas (spiritual aspirants) must be always aware of this. The yearning must be directed away from “how to be born” towards “how to die”! For birth depends on how death takes place. Death comes first, birth happens later. Folks believe that men are born to die and they die so that they may be born. This is wrong. You are born so that you may not be born again; you die, so that you may not die again. That is to say, the man who dies must so die that he is not born again. When once you die, you should not be born again to meet another death. Death is inevitable if you are born. So, avoid birth and avoid death.

So, the Sadhaka should not aspire for a good birth. He should seek a good death. You may be born well, in a good family or with many favourable circumstances. But subsequent karma may not ensure a good death. So, if a good death is aimed at, the trouble of being born and becoming once again subject to death can be avoided.

Every man born must have the end always in view. Cultivate good habits of thought and action in order to make that end genuinely auspicious. Attaining such an end is the unmistakable sign of having won the Grace of God.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 15.


The greatness of human being lies in the fact that by conscious effort it is possible to remove the evil in anyone.
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