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405 什么是经典中所教的,适用于我们日常生活的真髓?
July 8, 2012: What is the essence of the wisdom from scriptures, as applicable to our daily lives? Bhagawan explains to us today.

I shall tell you just one thing, which is the essence of all noble scriptures. I want you to resolve to follow this, every single day - “Do not seek to find fault in others. Give up maligning and injuring others in thought, word and deed. Do not scandalize anyone; do not feel envy or malice. Be always sweet in temperament; use soft and sweet words. Fill your conversations with devotion and humility.”

Live in Love, for love, with love. Then the Lord, who is Himself Divine Love personified, will grant you all that you need, without you asking for anything. He knows. He is the Mother who does not wait to hear the moan of the child to feed it. He anticipates every need and rushes to you with help that you must have in every occasion. You are all waiting anxiously to know, from when I am granting you the 'interviews' so that you can place before Me the long lists of 'korikas' (wishes), which you have brought. These wishes go on multiplying; they never end. The fulfillment of one leads to a new series. Strive to arrive at the stage when His Wish alone will count and you are an instrument in His Hands.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 13 1965

要活在爱中,为爱而活,和爱活在一起,那么,主 ── 祂就是爱的人格化 ── 会给你一切你所需的。你不需要求,祂知道,祂是母亲,母亲不会等孩子呻吟才喂它。祂的爱是如此的深和广,祂能预料到你所有的需求,及时提供你所需要的帮助。各位都在焦急的等待何时能得到我的interview(面谈),好把长长一张“愿望”的单子递交给我。这些愿望会不断滋生,没完没了,圆了一个愿,会引来一系列新的愿。只有祂的愿才算一回事,而你是祂手中的工具 ── 你应该努力去达到这种境界。
Live without hating others, condemning others, and seeking faults in others.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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