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395 我们如何才可以充分和真正的享受生活?
June 28, 2012: How can we enjoy life truly and to the fullest? Bhagawan explains by means of a simple example.

For food to taste good, you need to add salt to it. But only when you place a morsel of the food on your tongue you get to know if it has enough salt in it or not. So too only when you have moved about in the world and participated in its activities abiding by a moral code, you discover that, without the salt of jnana (wisdom), it does not taste good; if you take it with a pinch of this salt - the knowledge that you are not the body but the Indweller; that you are but the witness of the ever-changing panorama of Nature - then you will be happy and peaceful.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 19, 1965.
要让食物有味道,必须加盐,但是只有在尝过一口之后,才知道够不够咸。同样的,只有在置身于这世界,遵守一些道德规范,参与其活动之后,你才会发觉,不加般若智能的盐巴,它不够味。撒些这种盐巴 ──“你不是身体,而是其内在寓居者,你只是目睹诸行无常的那个主体”,这种知识,那你的人生就会快乐而平静。
To the person who has completely surrendered, every day and every event is a gift from God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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