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389 克服坏脾气的最佳方法是什么?
June 22, 2012: Which is the best way to overcome foul temper? Bhagawan explains the root understanding that we need to cultivate.

It is want of faith that causes one to lose temper and fly into fits of anger; it is lack of faith in oneself and in others. If you really see yourself as the undefeatable Self (Atma) and others as reflections of yourself, as scriptures declare them to be, there can be no provocation to get angry. What you must resolve today, is to manifest your inherent Divinity more and more. Whatever else you may or may not do, do at least this: know the Lord that resides in you. Recognise Him, let Him manifest Himself in and through you.
- Divine Discourse, May 23, 1965
是因为缺少信心,才使人发脾气,那是缺乏对自己和对人的信心所致。如果你真的把自己看成打不倒的阿特曼,把他人看成自己的反映、反射、倒影 ── 就像经典所讲的那样,那就没有事情能激怒你了。今天你必须下定决心的是,更加彰显你天生的神性。不管其他的事情你做或不做,至少做这件事:去知道主寓居在你内部,去认识祂,让祂透过你彰显出祂自己。
All are One, Be alike to Everyone.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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