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388 阿周那问主克里希那:若想要在临终前心怀圣念,为什么我们现在就要开始努力?难道不能到了那一刻再心怀圣念吗? |
June 21, 2012: Arjuna asked Krishna why we should strive now, to have holy thoughts at the last moments of life? Can we not think of God at that time alone? Baba guides us today through the reply Lord Krishna gave then.
In the Geetha, Krishna said to Arjuna, "You are able to use the weapons of offence and defence in the battle and win because you were taught the art of handling them over many years from childhood, is it not? Could you have used them with confidence, without preparation, on the spur of the moment? Similarly, whatever else one may not meet during life, one is certain to meet with death. So all must be trained to have at that time, the attitude and thought that are most beneficial to them. Will it not be wise, therefore, to strive for the end, in your own best interest? Hence, take earnest steps to secure the thought of God, from early on. Whoever in the last moment of life, thinks of Me, attains Me.” Through the discipline of constant practice, avoid other thoughts and concentrate on the Lord alone. This is a certain way to reach God.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 15. |
阿周那就问主克里希那:“尊者,那么若想要在临终前心怀圣念,是否现在就要开始努力?难道不能到了那一刻再心怀圣念吗?”主克里希那意识到阿周那的疑惑,遂回答道:“你的悟性似乎变钝了许多!因为你不愿接受从此刻开始就培养圣念的必要性。阿周那,心念必须靠Abhyasa Yoga(勤练;持续不断的练习),才能养成心怀圣念习惯。必须训练它,使它避免想其他的事,只专注在神身上,那样你才能抵达Paramapurusha(至高大我、圣灵),除非你有系统的教它、训练它,否则它不会在临终时记得Paramapurusha。你也许会问为什么,想想你自己的情况吧,你有办法在即将到来的战争中使用这些攻击或防卫武器,那是因为你已经习武多年,深谙其艺,可不是?有可能事前未经准备,临时上场,还能充满信心的使用这些武器吗?武士阶级有一天会受命使用武器,所以他从小就被教以武艺,以备不时之需。同样的,一个人不管一生还会面对什么,他总会面对死亡。所以,每个人都要训练自己,在临终那一刻,能怀着最有益的心态,否则,生命是一次失败,一场浪费。”
One should think of God and offer prayers at least four times a day - at dawn, at noon, at sunset and before going to bed - as food for the soul.
[赛的启示] |