主页 >> 赛的启示 |
387 我们要如何欢度人生? |
June 20, 2012: How should we celebrate this festival of life? Our Loving God explains to us today.
The second is the very basic unit of Time which we measure, in what we designate as a year. Sixty seconds, make a minute, sixty minutes make an hour, twenty four hours constitute a day and thirty days make a month; twelve months pass and we say a year has passed! When twelve months are over, we come back again to the first in the list of months, and call it the New Year Day. We go on a spree to celebrate the occasion. Really speaking, nothing new has happened on the “New Year Day” - it is not the year, but every second that follows the present that is new. Hence, do not wait for the celebration of something new in Time, until minutes, hours, days, months and years add up! Celebrate the immediately succeeding second, and every one after it, through honest effort and attain everlasting joy. Do not waver in your determination to live in joy and peace.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 23, 1966. |
秒是时间非常基本的单位,用来度量所谓的一年,六十秒为一分钟,六十分钟是一小时,廿四小时是一天,卅天是一个月,十二个月过去,我们就说,一年过去了。十二个月过去,我们又回到第一个月份,并称它为元旦,我们狂欢纵饮庆祝。其实,元旦没有发生什么新事情 ── 不是这个年是新的,而是每个下一秒钟都是新的。所以,不要等时间一分一秒过去,一小时、一天天过去,月复一月过去,一年年过去,才来庆祝某些新的事情。以真正的努力,庆祝每个下一秒钟,以获得恒久的喜悦。要决心活在喜悦和平静中,不要犹豫。
Fullness in life is marked by the harmony of thought, word and deed.
[赛的启示] |