主页 >> 赛的启示 |
384 人身难得,我们要如何修持来提升自己? |
June 17, 2012: What is the opportunity we have in this birth? What do we need to do, to uplift ourselves? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
It is not enough if one has the human form or even the basic human equipment---physical, mental and emotional. With the help of the discriminating intellect, one must bring it to perfection, as a sculptor does, after the stone is brought to crude shape. Man must be aware of his kinship with God, of the Divinity latent in him, of his immense potentiality. This he can know by the exercise of his viveka and vairaagya, (discrimination and dispassion). Only he among all the animals is capable of this.
- Divine Discourse, May 22, 1965. |
光有一副人身,甚至人类的装备 ── 身、心、和情感,是不够的,一个人必须靠明辨的能力,来使自己臻至完美,就好比一位雕刻匠,在将石头凿成略具形状后,再进一步使其完美一样。人一定要意识到他与神的亲密关系,要意识到他的内在神性和他的巨大潜力。这一点他可以运用自己的viveka(明辨力)和viraagya(无执着心)来知晓。在所有动物中,只有人做得到这一点。
To experience the proximity of the Divine, the easiest path is remembering constantly the name of the Lord.
[赛的启示] |