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381 哪些简单的步骤,持续的实践后,将给予我们永恒的喜悦与平静? |
June 14, 2012: What are the simple tasks, which when done consistently will grant us eternal joy and peace? Our dear Lord explains to us today.
To get joy and peace, you must develop a pure mind, unsullied by egoism and its children - lust, greed, envy, anger, hatred and the rest. This will be easy when you seek satsanga (good company) and perform good deeds, entertain noble thoughts and read inspiring books. More important than all of these is to put into practise, at least one good thought. If you don’t practise, the blemishes in the mirror of your heart will not be wiped off and the Lord cannot be reflected therein. Constant practise with full faith will transmute nara (human) to Narayana (Divinity), for you are in essence Divine.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 17, 1966. |
要得到喜乐,必须让心念纯净,不受我执和它的孩子们:淫欲、贪婪、嫉妒、瞋心、憎恨心、等等所污染。如果你能结交益友,行善,心怀高尚的想法,并阅读有启发、鼓舞性的书,这就容易了。尤其重要的是实践 ── 最起码实践一个善念,不实践,你心中那面镜子上面的污点无法清除,上主就无法反映于其中。以十足的信心,不断的实践,能将nara(人)转化为Narayana(神),因为你的本质就是神。
Man must realise God; see God; feel God; talk to God. This is religion.
[赛的启示] |