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376 心灵导师在我们日常生活中扮演什么角色?我们该如何报答这些圣贤的恩德? |
June 9, 2012: What is the role of a spiritual teacher in our daily lives? How should we repay our gratitude to such noble saints and seers? Bhagawan explains to us today.
The Sanathana Dharma (ancient Indian culture) calls upon you to revere the Acharya (Guru or preceptor), for the Guru is seeking to save you from disaster, from the floods of birth and death into which you are slipping, out of ignorance. Noble and venerable sages have struggled with and elevated themselves into the purer regions of thought, to discover their own inner reality. They felt the thrill and discovery and sang the freedom they gained. These songs and teachings serve as signposts and all who derive benefit therefrom must acknowledge the debt. The best way to do that is by studying, reflecting upon what is studied, practising the truths taught by them and proving them right, by your own experience. This is the best way to repay the Rishi Rna (debt to the sages).
- Divine Discourse, Apr 26, 1965. |
古印度灵性文化:“永恒的法”(Sanathana Dharma)呼吁你们要尊敬古鲁或老师,因为你因无明而滑落生死轮回的洪流中,是古鲁试图将你从灾难中救起。崇高伟大的圣者努力提升自己,进入较纯净的心念领域,来发现自己的实相。他们发现了那实相,经验到那种极乐,而歌唱其得到的自由。这些歌和教诲都是路标,所有从中获益的人都要知恩图报,知恩图报最好的方法就是研读、沉思他们所唱的解脱之歌,修习他们所采用的修行方法,并亲自证悟,这是报恩的最好方法。
Purity of mind is achieved by association with noble sages and studying the writings of saintly persons.
[赛的启示] |