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375 如何正确地使用一天的时间? |
June 8, 2012: What is the right way to spend one’s day? Bhagawan explains and enlightens us today.
Many now are not spending even five minutes of their time on the contemplation on God. Of the 24 hours which comprise a day, use six for earning and spending, six for the contemplation on God, six for sleep and six for service to others. Cultivate quietness, simplicity and humility instead of clamour, complexity and conceit. To develop the taste for liberation, repeat the Name of the Lord on the tongue and saturate your mind with the sweetness of His splendour. This is the best exercise that can be practised at all times, by all, irrespective of creed, caste, gender, age, economic or social status. This practise will keep you in constant touch with the Infinite and so it will transmit to you, some part of the wisdom and power of that Infinite.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 16, 1966. |
很多人现在每天花在沉思神的时间连五分钟都不到。在一天24小时中,要用六个小时来赚钱和花钱,六个小时来沉思神,六个小时来睡觉,六个小时来服务他人。养成安静的习惯、简单朴素的风格、谦虚的品德,而非喧哗、繁杂、自负。要培养对解脱的兴趣,Naamasmarana (口念或默念神的圣名,心中充满祂的光辉甜美)是最好的方法,这个方法不限时间地点,所有人都能做,无论其宗教、阶级、性别、年龄、经济或社会地位。这方法能让你时时刻刻与“无限”链接,于是它就会传输那个“无限”的一些智能与法力方面的东西给你。
To experience the proximity of the Divine, the easiest path is remembering constantly the name of the Lord.
[赛的启示] |