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374 人生的四大支柱是什么?哪个应该加强? |
June 7, 2012: What are the four pillars of life? Which ones should be strengthened and reinforced? Our Loving God reminds us today of the fundamental tenets.
Life is raised on four pillars – Righteousness, Wealth, Desire and Liberation (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha). When two key pillars, Righteousness and Liberation, are lost, it is a struggle to survive with the remaining two - Desire and Wealth. Then, naturally grief, greed, pretence and anxiety afflict human beings. Each pillar must cooperate and complement the other three pillars. Righteousness must interpenetrate and strengthen Wealth and Desire, so that Liberation can be attained. Through Righteousness alone, wealth for living must be obtained and it should be used for Righteous purposes. Desire must be directed to Liberation from bondage – not to forging of new chains or adding further links in the chain of birth and death. Devoid of Righteousness and Desire for Liberation, human beings will be reduced to the level of beasts and birds.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 10, 1965. |
人生是建立在义、财富、欲望、和了脱生死四大支柱上,当义和了脱生死这两大关键支柱失去了,剩下两根支柱 ── 欲望和财富 ── 勉强支撑,人就自然会为悲伤、贪婪、虚伪、忧虑所苦。每一根支柱都要和其它三根支柱合作、互补。义一定要贯通财富和欲望,并强化它们,以成就了脱生死。用来生活的财富,一定要透过义来获取,并使用于合乎义的目的。欲望一定要指向了脱生死,而不是在生死轮回的链子上再加一个环,或打造一条新的链子。缺少了义和了脱生死的欲望,人会堕落为禽兽。
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character. If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home.
[赛的启示] |