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373 在人生的旅途上,以及我们与神的关系之中,什么才是最重要的?
June 6, 2012: What matters most in our relationship with God and this journey of life? Bhagawan guides us today. Let the petty wishes for which you now approach God be realized or not; let the plans for promotion and progress which you place before God, be fulfilled or not - these are not important in this journey of life. The primary aim for you should be to become Masters of yourselves. You must progress to hold intimate and constant communion with the Divine who is within you, as well as in the Universe you live in. Welcome disappointments and tests, for they toughen you and test your fortitude.
Divine Discourse, Mar 16, 1966.
When the heart is filled with good thoughts and feelings, all that comes out of the senses (your speech, your vision, your action) will be pure.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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