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364 因果业报是无可逃避的吗?
May 28, 2012: Is it that there is no escape from the noose of Karma? Bhagawan answers and gives us courage.

The Law of Karma is not an irreversible iron law. Dedication to the divine and purification of thoughts, words and deeds invite divine benediction. The effects of karma can be modified and its rigour, mitigated through grace. When vices hold sway over your heart, it becomes foul and sooty. The flames of desire, anger and miserliness (kaama, krodha and lobha) leave char within your heart. Do not despair or lose heart if vices trouble you. There is no place where God is not present. There is no being to whom He denies blessings. Grace manifests itself by quenching the flames within your heart and confers bliss which desire, anger and miserliness can never confer.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 10, 1965.
The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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