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359 我们必须预防的两种传染病是什么?
May 8, 2012: What are the two infections we must vaccinate ourselves against? Our Loving God explains to us today.

I must warn you against two infectious diseases that are rampant today. They are selfishness and the habit of reviling others. Investigate and examine, then you have the right to pronounce judgment. When you truly do this you will realize that the Self is better served, by serving others than criticising them. You will soon come to the conclusion that there are far more useful ways of spending the little time you have here in this life than ridiculing or praising others. Do not concern yourself with the faults and excellences of others. Instead care earnestly and sincerely about your own faults. Foster more carefully and sincerely, your own best qualities. This is my advice to you today.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 4, 1965.
God is in everyone. God loves everybody. God is in you, and you are God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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