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353 一个人该以什么态度提供服务? |
May 2, 2012:What is the attitude with which one has to render service? This is the important lesson Baba teaches us today.
Many kites may fly high in the sky, but they are all lifted and kept high by the same air, the same wind; the kites have no separate will of their own. Pots of water in which the Sun is reflected may be many, but the Sun is one! The very same current runs through and activates all appliances. This is the meaning of the scriptures quote “Isaavaasyam idam sarvam” - God is present in everyone in equal measure, nothing more nothing less! Service is best built on this strong foundation of “Thath-Thwam-asi” - That and This are the same; there is only One, there is no other! All help that you give, is help given to yourself; all service is to the Self alone. When another is poor, you cannot be rich. When another is in distress, you cannot have joy.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 27, 1965. |
好几只风筝在天上飞翔,但是将它们升至高空的,是同一股气流,同一阵风,风筝自己没有意志。许多水罐里纷纷呈现出太阳倒影,但是太阳只有一个。同样的电流通过所有的电器,使其运转。这就是经典上那句“Isaavaasyam idam sarvam”的意思 ── 上帝出现在人人内部,而且份量都一样,一分不多,一分不少!“汝即彼”(“Thath-Thwam-asi”:You are“That”。你就是“那个”)─“彼”和“此”乃同一东西;只有太一,太一之外别无它物。服务这件事,最好是建立在“汝即彼”这个坚固的基础之上。所有你给予他人的帮助,都是给自己的帮助,所有的服务,都是给“自己”的。别人贫穷,你无法富有。别人悲痛忧愁,你无法快乐。
You are all caskets of Divine Love; share it, spread it, express that love in acts of service, words of sympathy and acts of compassion.
[赛的启示] |