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349 如何克服世间的悲伤和痛苦?
Apr 28, 2012: How does one overcome worldly grief and pain? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Everyone is anxious to avoid old age and death; it is human nature to be anxious. But of what avail is mere anxiety? Your conduct and behaviour should be in accordance with your objective. If you have sincere yearning and place your full trust and faithfully surrender to the Lord, He will melt the fog of grief by the rays of His Grace. If you place your trust on the objects of this world, the consequent grief will never end, nor can they be ended by anyone other than the Lord. Serve the Master of maya (illusion), the Designer of all this dreamland, rather than the dream itself.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 14
人人都怕老和怕死,人性就是会忧虑。可是光忧虑有什麼用?你的行為应该与你的目标一致,若你真诚的渴望并完全信赖主,将自己完全交託给祂,那祂恩典的光线,就会驱散悲伤的雾。要是你信赖这世间的东西,那麼随之而来的悲伤就永远不会终止,除了主之外,也没有人能让那悲伤终止。要服侍Maya(幻象)的主人 ── 这个梦境的设计者,而非梦境本身。
To the persons who have completely surrendered, everything they experience (good or bad) is a gift from God.

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