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348 宗教在我们生活中所发挥的作用是什么?
Apr 27, 2012: What is the role religion is meant to play in our lives? Bhagawan explains and directs us today.

Religion (called matham in Sanskrit) is based on the urge that moves the ‘mind’ (mathi). If the urge is divine, we have a divine religion. If it is bestial, then the things held lovable and desirable will be bestial too. Join the particular to the Universal, the limited to the Unlimited, the river to the Sea - this is the process called Yoga. You can accomplish this through any path, devotion, wisdom or action. The Geetha, which explains these paths, was itself the result of Arjuna’s surrender. You must develop this attitude of 'merging' with the divine in all that you do, this attitude of dedication and surrender to His Will. This is the best means of realising Him.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 2, 1965
Matham是mathi的问题,宗教(梵文称作matham)是心念(mathi)受到一股驱策,那股驱策力若是神性的,就有了神圣的宗教。若那股驱策力是兽性的,则所爱好的事物亦是兽性的。个体连接到总体,有限连接到无限,河川连接到大海,此谓之瑜伽。你可以走任何一种路线来成就它 ── 虔诚路线、智慧路线、行动路线。你一定要培养这种与上帝合一,这种奉献的心态,将自己交託给祂的旨意,这是了悟祂最好的方法。《薄伽梵歌》就是阿周那对主完全交託,所得的结果。《薄伽梵歌》并不给所有人都开同样的药物,每个人各自都得让一位经验丰富的心灵医生来诊断,并遵照他的嘱咐,直到他能靠自己努力,回复平静和镇定,变得健康為止。
When you surrender to the Lord, He will guide you and guard you like the eyelids guard the eye.

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