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347 每一个生命的目标应该是什么?
Apr 26, 2012: What should be the goal of every being? Our Loving God inspires us today.

The goal of every life is knowing the Supreme, that is, attaining liberation; there can be no second aim. You are endowed with life, not for the purpose of building bungalows, acquisition of estates, accumulation of wealth, addition of progeny, earning of titles or ascent into higher rungs of social life. One’s greatness does not depend on these. The sweetest success in life lies in the winning of permanent bliss and perennial escape from grief and agitation. You are children of immortality. The heritage of immortality must be recognised and experienced; it must be won back. The bonds of name and form are temporary and must be removed. They are not genuine natural characteristics of the individual soul. Escape from grief and joy for a brief period of time is not a sign of real liberation. Real wisdom consists in recognising that you are pure bliss; bliss that persists from the past into the present and the future.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 14
每一个生命的目标都是了悟那至高无上者,亦即了脱生死,没有第二个目标。你得来生命,不是為了盖一栋洋房,取得地產,累积财富,衍生后代,赢得头衔,或是进入社会较高阶层。一个人的伟大与否,不是看这些东西。人生最甜蜜的成功,在於得到永恒的极乐,永远脱离悲伤和心灵的不平静。你是永生的子女,你所继承的永生不死,必须被知道并被经验到,必须将它赢回。名、相和你之间的结合,只是暂时的,必须要加以去除。名、相不是灵魂真正的天性。短暂的逃脱悲伤,快乐一下子,不是真正解脱之象徵。真智慧,是知道你乃是纯粹的极乐 ── 从过去持续到现在,到未来。
If you seek steady and genuine pure state of bliss, you must be attached to God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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