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346 为什么我们要提高警惕,并掌控我们的感官? |
Apr 25, 2012: Why should we be vigilant and achieve mastery over our senses? Our Loving God teaches us today.
The body is but an instrument for a high purpose - the realization of the Divine splendour that fills the Universe, of which you are a fraction. Use all the talents of your senses, intelligence, and memory for this goal. Transform yourself and sublimate your desires. Let higher and nobler purposes always overrule the lower ones. Like the donkey that carries sandalwood without knowing anything more than its weight, you too carry the burden of the worldly worries, without being aware of the fragrance that you can get from the very burden on your back. The senses will drag you away from the higher purpose, but keep them under strict control by rigorous training. Without mastery over the senses, all elaborate ritual worships, hours of intense meditation and vows that you observe will yield no fruit.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 31, 1965 |
身体不过是一件工具,為了一个更崇高的目的 ── 了悟那充塞宇宙的神性光辉,而你是它的一部份。要利用你的感官、智能、记忆方面的所有才华,来达成这个目标。改变自己,让欲望昇华,让比较崇高的目的始终克制著那些低下的目的。一隻驴子只知自己驮了重物,却不知那其实是檀香木,你也是像那样,背负沉重的世俗忧虑,却不知其实可以从中得到芬芳。感官会将你拖离崇高的目的,要以严格训练来驯服它们。不掌控感官,一切费功夫的祭拜、长时间禪定、立誓发愿并守之,都不会带来任何成果。
The spiritual path is the path of detachment, of sense control and rigorous mind training.
[赛的启示] |