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344 言行是个人品格的反映。世尊今天解释言行的重要,以及其准则。
Apr 23, 2012: Words and deeds constitute important aspects of one’s personality. Bhagawan today explains how important these two are and how should.

A small seed grows slowly into a huge spreading tree. So too, through little acts, soft words and kind deeds, you can elevate yourself into a Divine Being. The worst action is to do the opposite of what you preach – to deny by the hand what you dole out of your mouth. If you cannot act up to your declarations, be quiet. Do not go about advising others on virtues and advertising yourself as a hypocrite. Do not preach dharma (righteousness) while decrying it in deed. Dharma (Righteousness) is steady, unchanging and never declining; those who do not adhere to it do not decline dharma but themselves. What happens is: those who have to practise dharma decline in faith and steadfastness. One is judged by practise not by the precepts one pours forth.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 31, 1965
一颗小小种子逐渐长大,成為一棵枝叶茂盛的大树,同样的,透过一点一滴的行动,加上亲切和蔼的语气和仁慈的行為,你可以提昇自己成為一位神圣的灵魂。最糟糕的行為就是说一套、做一套 ── 嘴巴讲出的话,却用手来否定。如果你做不到自己讲出来的话,那就保持沉默吧。不要劝人行善,自己却成了偽善的最佳宣传。不要口头上倡导Dharma(正法、义),却在行為上轻视这些。Dharma是稳定不变,永不式微的,不遵循Dharma的人不会使Dharma衰微,只会使自己衰微而已。现在发生的情形是︰那些该奉行Dharma的人信心降低,不能坚持下去。看一个人,是看他怎麼做,而不是看他怎麼说。
Be good, serviceable, useful, kind and God-fearing – the confidence of the people will be yours.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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