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342 我们应该如何生活在这个充满诱惑的世界?
Apr 21, 2012: How should we live in this world of attractions and distractions? Bhagawan reminds us today.

Know your duty and do them as best as you can, consistently. Tend your parents with love, speak the truth and act virtuously. When you have spare time, repeat the Name of the Lord, with the form that pleases you the most in your mind. Never indulge in talking ill of others or trying to discover faults in someone else. Do not cause pain to others in any form. Be like the lotus, unattached to the slush where it is born in and the water in which it is bred. The merits and demerits earned in past births is the slush, where the individual is born; the enticing illusion called world is the water that sustains. Do not allow that enticement to affect you. Be above and beyond earthly attachments like the lotus. Though you may be in it, you should not allow the world to get into you and affect your sense of values.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 31, 1965
要知道自己的职责,并尽力去做。要以爱心照顾父母。要说真话,要有品德。有空就唸唸神的名号,心裡想著祂最令你喜欢的那种外型。绝不耽溺於说人坏话或寻人之短。勿造成别人任何形式的痛苦。要像朵莲花,对其生长的淤泥和水不带一点执著。过去世累积的善业和恶业如同污泥,人从中而生,那诱人的幻相 ── 世间,就像莲花生长的水,勿受那诱惑影响,要像莲花一般,超脱世俗的执著之上。虽然你身在世间,却不应该让尘世进入心中,影响了你的价值观。
The spiritual path is the path of detachment, of sense control and rigorous mind training.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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