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340 即得人身,我们的责任是什么?我们应该过怎样的生活?
Apr 19, 2012: Having received this boon of human birth, what is our duty? How should we lead our lives? Bhagawan explains today.

You must tread the spiritual path with an unstoppable urge to reach the goal, and must cultivate the yearning for liberation. You have to dwell in a home built on the four strong pillars – Righteousness, Wealth, Desire and Liberation (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha). That is, Righteousness should be the means to acquire Wealth and Liberation should be the only Desire. However much you may earn wealth or garner strength, unless you tap the springs of bliss within you, you cannot have peace and lasting contentment. There is Sathyathwa, Nithyathwa (reality of truth and eternity) in you; you need not earn them from any one else. The four pillars of Purushaartha (goals of human effort) are made firm and stable by fixing them on the bedrock of the Nithya Sathya Thathwa (reality of eternal truth) in every man, the Divine in fact, on which the human is superimposed.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 25, 1965
一定要走在灵性道路上,不达目的绝不罢休,一定要有求了脱生死的渴望。要住在一栋由四根坚固柱子 ── 义、财富、欲望、解脱 ── 所支撑的房子,也就是说,要用义做為获取财富的手段,要以了脱生死為唯一欲望。不论你赚得多少财富,累积了多少力量,除非接通到自己内在的极乐之泉,否则你不会有平静和持久的满足。在你内在,就有真理和永恒,不需要从别人那儿获得。Purushaartha(人努力的目标)的那四根大柱子,将它们打在永恒真理的坚固巖床上,就能稳固,这永恒真理在每个人内部,它其实是人人内在的上帝,人是建基於祂。
Divert the boat of your life to the lighthouse of divine love; you are then bound to gain the shore of bliss.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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