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338 我们怎样才能生活在欢乐中?怎样才能摆脱悲伤和痛苦? |
Apr 17, 2012: How can we live in joy? How do we get rid of grief and suffering? The Divine Master explains to us today
The source of all types of sorrow is ignorance (ajnana). The source of ignorance is identification with the body - the delusion that you are the body. This can be removed only by the acquisition of right knowledge. To remove darkness, light is needed; darkness cannot be frightened away, nor can you make it yield by prayer or petition or protest. It will not disappear unless light comes in. When ignorance goes, grief too vanishes. That is why, in the Geeta, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna, “Attach yourself to Me and earn the light of True Knowledge and tread the path of ‘No grief’.”
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 14 |
所有类型的悲伤,都源自无明,而无明则源自身体认同 ── 那种认為“自己 = 身体”的妄见。这种妄见只有靠正知见来去除。要消除黑暗,需要光明,黑暗是吓不走的,用祈祷、请愿或抗议也无法令其让步,除非光进来,否则它不会消失。无明一离开,悲伤也消失了。所以在《薄伽梵歌》裡,主克里希那告诉阿周那:“依附於我,以便得到真知识,走在没有悲伤的道路上。”
Doing one’s duty, however small, in an unattached manner gives rise to the awakening of Self-awareness.
[赛的启示] |