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337 所谓“每个人都是自己命运的创造者”,世尊今天详释。
Apr 16, 2012: It is said that each one is the maker of one’s own destiny. Bhagawan today explains how.

The God of Death, Yama is also called Kaala, which means time. Time is the true God of Death. Time knows no mercy; you have to leave when the time is over. Each day, your span is shortened by twenty four hours. The God of Death is said to carry a rope. He does not run a rope factory to drag into his home all the millions who die. The dying person has the rope already spun and twisted round the neck. He has only to come and pull! Each one spins this rope through every act performed during the years of one’s life, now or in the past. Acts done with egoism, self-interest or an eye on the beneficial consequences make the rope longer and gives it a stronger twist. Good deeds done in a dedicatory spirit do not add to the length or the strength of the rope. They give peace and happiness in plenty. Resolve from this day to see only the good in others and to develop the good in yourselves. This is the best sadhana (spiritual practice).
- Divine Discourse, Mar 30, 1965
The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.

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