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336 为什么毅力和不屈不挠的精神是求道者必需的素质?
Apr 15, 2012: Why are persistence and perseverance essential qualities of a spiritual aspirant? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The devotion of the Jnani (the Wise) is direct devotion (Bhakthi) to the Lord. The bhakthi of the others can be called Gouna Bhakthi or derived bhakthi, indirect bhakthi. The Jnani cognises the Lord as his own Atma. His bhakthi is anu-rakthi, attachment towards or affection for God. ‘Poojyaeshvanura-ago Bhakthi,’ it is said: affection towards the venerable is bhakthi, said Krishna. This state is reached as a result of the merit accumulated through many lives. This devotion is not a stage attainable on the spur of the moment; nor is it available ready-made in shops for a price. It is the culmination of the spiritual endeavour of many lives. If someone has become a Jnani today, you can imagine the years of Sadhana (spiritual efforts) that won for him that state. The inheritance of spiritual impulses from previous births also helps his endeavour.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 13
般若智者的虔诚是直接式的虔诚(Sahaja Bhakti),其他人的虔诚则可称為“衍生”的虔诚(derived bhakti:间接式的虔诚)。般若智者知道上帝是他的真我,他的虔诚是anu-rakthi:对神的执著或情感,主克里希那说︰‘Poojyaeshvanura-ago Bhakthi,’ ── 对可尊敬的对象的一份情感,谓之虔诚。能达到这个状态,系生生世世累积的功德所致,这种虔诚境界不是靠一时衝动就能达到,也非在商店裡可以买到的现货,它是许多生许多世灵修的总成。如果某人今日成了一位般若智者,那你可以想见他花了多少年修行才达到那个境界。那种承袭自前世的灵性衝劲,也有助於他修行的努力。
Winning love through love is the vital aspect of devotion.

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