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333 每一个人对神诸多要求(世俗或灵性的) - 神会特别青睐一些人吗?
Apr 12, 2012: Each one comes to God with a variety of requests (worldly or spiritual) – Will God favour some more compared to the others? Bhagawan answers this question for us through a simple example.

The Gita describes four types of devotees - Jnani (one who has conquered delusion and attained wisdom), Jijnasu (the devotee who is a seeker of wisdom), Aartha and Arth-arthi (those who turn to the Lord to relieve some or the other form of suffering). This classification can be understood by an example: Jnana (wisdom) is like the ‘through train’, the passenger need not detrain and board another train to reach the destination. The Jijnasu is a passenger who has entered the ‘through carriage’ who also does not have to detrain and board another train; but the carriage will be detained and attached to other trains en route. The Aarthas and Arth-arthis board the ordinary train, and will have to alight at a number of places en route and wait until another train comes by; they reach the goal by stages. It is a long and arduous journey. But still it can be accomplished if the devotee persists. Thus the goal is attained by all; only the process and the pace are different.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 13
《薄伽梵歌》裡提到四种信徒 ── Jnani(智者。他已经征服了妄见,获得了般若智慧)、Jijnasu(追求般若智慧的信徒)、Aartha和Arth-arthi(去求神解除他们所受的各式各样的苦)。这种分类法可用以下的譬喻来瞭解,Jnana(般若智慧)好比「直达车」,乘客不用换车,直达目的地。Jijnasu这一类型的信徒,则像是乘客坐上一节不用换车的车厢,但在中途这节车厢要改掛到别的火车班车,因而有所延误。Aartha和Arth-arthi型的信徒,则搭的是普通车,一路上得在好几个地方转车,下车等候,改搭其他班车,他们是分阶段达到目的地,旅程漫长又辛苦,不过只要有恒心,还是可以成功。於是各种类型的信徒都达到了目标,只不过过程和速度有差。
God loves everybody. Love is God’s true form. All of you are sparks of the Divine.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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