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332 神视人人平等,为什么说Jnanis(智者)是神最亲爱的?世尊今天澄清这个误解。
Apr 11, 2012: When all are equal in the Lord’s view, how can the Jnanis (ones of wisdom) said to be dearest to Him? Bhagawan clears the misunderstanding today.

The spiritual aspirants in the midst of their efforts sometimes imagine God to be less glorious than He really is! They feel that the Lord differentiates between sinners and saints or the ignorant and the wise; these are unsound inferences. The Lord does not separate men thus. If He really did so, no sinner can survive His anger on earth for even a minute. All are living on the earth, since the Lord has no such distinction. This truth is known only to the wise. Ordinary people are unaware of this and suffer under the false belief that the Lord is somewhere far away from them.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 13
Just as the end of culture is progress, the end of knowledge is love. Similarly, the end of wisdom is freedom.
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