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326 我们怎样才能展现出内在的和平与寧静 —— 我们的真正财富? |
Apr 5, 2012: How can we bring out from within the peace and tranquility that is our true wealth? Bhagawan explains highlighting the need of the hour.
Individual reconstruction is the most important need today. Multiply virtues, not buildings. Practise what you preach, that is the real pilgrimage. Cleanse your minds of envy and malice; this is the real bath in holy waters. Of what avail is the Name of the Lord on the tongue, if the heart within is impure? Injustice and discontent are spreading everywhere, due to this one single fault in humans – saying one thing and doing the opposite. You must set yourself right and correct your food, recreation and method of spending your leisure and your thoughts and habits. Remove the vices of lust and hatred, and put out the raging flames of anger and greed. Then, the innate tranquillity and happiness (shantham and soukhyam) within you, will manifest unhindered. You are the embodiment of peace; happiness is your very nature.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 24, 1965. |
When you think, speak and do good, peace will reign.
[赛的启示] |