主页 >> 赛的启示 |
324 宗教场所在社会上有什么重要地位?在这些圣地膜拜时,我们应该记住些什么? |
Apr 3, 2012: What is the importance of places of worship in the society? And what should we always remember even as we offer worship in these sacred places? Baba explains to us today.
As the heart is to the body, so is the place of worship (Temple, Mosque, Church, etc.) to the community. Worship of God through various festivals, construction of places of worship, etc. are all good deeds (Sath Karma). They provide training in service and create opportunities for sacrifice and detachment. However be aware that when there is the anguished cry for food and shelter, money should not be spent on construction of new places of worship; this is not to be encouraged. The same Lord is worshipped everywhere, and you need not build a temple for every new Name or Form. Tell people to see in all Forms and under all Names the same God. That is the training they need.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 24, 1965 |
The heart with compassion is the temple of God.
[赛的启示] |