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323 我们应该如何看待万物与梵之间的关系?
Apr 2, 2012: How should we perceive the relation between the Creation and Divinity? Bhagawan guides us today.

The universe is based on God but He has no need for the universe as base. The pot depends on the clay but the clay is not dependent on the pot. The clay is Brahman (Divinity) and the pot is Prakruti (Creation). Ignore the shape, the form and the name - the pot is just clay. It is truer to say that all is Brahman than to say, ‘Brahman is in everything’. It is nobler to visualize the Divine as the basis of all (Sarva-aadhaara), rather than to conceive It as Inner Reality of all beings. (Sarvabhutha- antharaatm). Without Divinity there can be no Creation; this is the truth.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 12
God loves everybody. Love is God’s true form. All of you are sparks of the Divine.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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