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322 主罗摩的圣名有什么特殊吗? |
Apr 1, 2012: What is special about the divine name of Rama? On this holy occasion of Ramanavami (Day of Rama’s advent) Bhagawan explains to us.
Thousands of years have passed since the Treta Yuga (second quarter of time, the age in which Lord Rama was born), yet even now everyone, right from children to elderly people, remember the name of Rama. The glory of Rama’s name has not diminished even a bit with the passage of time. This truth should be recognised by all. Rama is the name given to a form, but is not limited to a form. Rama is the never changing Divine Principle (Atma). Therefore, wherever and whenever you remember the name of Rama, He is there with you, in you, around you. Rama is the personification of righteousness (Ramo vigrahavan Dharmaha). You should also follow Dharma (righteousness); not the principle of Dharma that comes from the mind but one that originates from your heart.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27, 2007 |
从Treta时代(共有Sathya、Treta、Dvapara、Kali四个时代。每四个时代為一个循环。上主罗摩诞生於Treta时代。)至今,已经过了几千年了,然而直到今天,男女老少都还记得罗摩的名号,罗摩的荣耀一点也没有随时间的过去而减少。这个事实大家都应该认清。罗摩是给一个形体取的名称,但这个名称不限於某个形体,罗摩乃是永恒不变的阿特曼,因此,不论何时何处,若你记得罗摩的名号,祂就与你同在,在你内部,在你四周。罗摩是Dharma(义)的化身,你也应该遵守Dharma ──不是来自变动的“心念”,而是来自“真心”的Dharma。
To win Rama’s (God’s) grace, it is not enough to repeat His name; you have to practise the principles He stood for.
[赛的启示] |