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320 我们通常认为Hindu(印度)即意味着与特定的宗教相联系。但是峇峇告诉我们这个字的真谛,也是正确的生活方式。 |
Mar 30, 2012: We often think a Hindu means being associated with a particular religion. But Baba gives us the true meaning of this word and also the means to right living
The term Hindu signifies ‘H: Humility, I: Individuality, N: Nationality, D: Divinity, U: Unity’. These are verily our five life-breaths (pranas). Just as five elements, five senses, and five life-sheaths constitute our physical body; these five principles constitute the very essence of spirituality. Develop the spirit of unity. Never think that you belong to a particular state or country and thereby give rise to differences. Do not identify yourself with vyashti tattwa (individual principle). Instead, identify yourself with samashti tattwa (societal principle) and cultivate unity. Consider truth, righteousness, peace, love and nonviolence as your life-breath and uphold the sanctity of the name human (manava). Never give scope for differences of opinion, even in trivial matters. If any differences were to arise, each should be prepared to forgive the other. All are children of God; all are brothers and sisters. Understand this truth and conduct yourself accordingly.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 20, 2007. |
Hindu(印度)这个字表示“H:Humility(谦虚),I:individuality(个人),N:Nationality(国籍),D:Divinity(神性),U:Unity(一体)。”这其实就是我们的五种元气(pranas)。正如五大(地、水、火、风、空)、五根(五种感官)、以及身心灵的五层(极乐层、智力层、心念层、元气层、物质层)构成我们的身体,这五种原理也构成灵性人生的精髓。要培养众生一体的心态,绝对不要认为你属于某一省或某一国,故有所不同。不要把自己当成vyashti tattwa(具有个别性的个体),要把自己当成samashti tattwa(社群人),培养那种大家是一体的心态。要视真理、义、平静、爱和非暴力为你的元气,维护“人类”这个词的神圣性。绝对不让“意见不合”有发挥的机会 ─ 纵使是一些小事情。如果发生意见不合,彼此都应该准备原谅对方。大家都是神的子女,都是兄弟姐妹,要知道这个真理,并如是行动。
Where there is confidence there is love, where there is love, there is peace.
[赛的启示] |