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318 在生命的旅程中,我们必须以谁为友?
Mar 28, 2012: In the journey of life who must we consider as our friends? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.

Your enemies are not outside. Your bad thoughts are your worst enemies and thoughts based on Truth are your best friends. But today, people do not befriend the thoughts based on Truth, which are essentially divine. Practise to make friendship with Sath, the eternal Truth. Sath means Being, the ever-present God. Worldly friends and enemies change with the passage of time, but sath is the true and eternal friend. This friend, God, is always with you, in you, around you, above you, below you and protecting you just as the eyelid protects the eye. Truth is God. Love is God. Dharma (righteousness) is God. When you worship God by following these principles, He will manifest Himself immediately. Love God wholeheartedly. Make friends with Him. You can achieve anything if you have God as your friend.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 18, 1999.
你的敌人不在外面,你的恶念就是你最大的敌人,而基于真理的念头则是你最好的朋友。可是,今日的人不与基于真理的念头(它本质上是神圣的)为友。要练习与Sath(真理)为友,sath意为“有” ─ 常在的上帝。世俗的朋友和敌人随时间在变,可是sath是真正而永恒的朋友,这个朋友,上帝,永远与你同在,在你内部,在你四周,在你上方、下方,保护你,如眼睑之保护眼睛。真理是上帝,爱是上帝,义是上帝。当你以遵守这些原理来膜拜神时,祂就会立刻显现祂自己。要全心全意爱神,与祂为友。有祂为友,你可以成就任何事。
Love knows no fear, no untruth, no anxiety and no grief. Love is God, Live in Love.

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