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317 上帝与宇宙万物之间有什么关系?
Mar 27, 2012: What is the relation between God and Creation? Bhagawan explains to us today.

It is a human frailty to separate things as good and evil. And to impute this to God is sacrilege. It might sometimes appear that the Lord too has that weakness, but it is a passing phase, a cloud that hides His glory, not a blemish that adheres to Him. Though gunas (various qualities) emanate from the Lord, He is unaffected by them just like fire is unaffected by the smoke which arises from it or the sky is unaffected by the clouds that form and move about in it. All are attached to Him like beads but He is free and unattached. Consider this example - the cloth is based on yarn, in fact it is dependent on yarn; but yarn does not depend on the cloth, it is unaffected and unattached to the cloth. Yarn is Brahman (Divinity) while the cloth is Prakruthi (the Universe of manifold variety).
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 12.
将事物区分为善和恶,是人自己的脆弱,而将之归咎于上帝,根本就是亵渎。有时候上主看起来也会有那种弱质性,但那只不过是一个过渡时期,只不过是一朵云,遮蔽了祂的荣耀而已,而非祂本身的污点。虽然guna(属性)出自上主,但是主并不受其影响 ─ 就像火并不受烟的影响、天空不受浮云的影响一样。众生都像珠子般串附在祂上面,然而祂本身自由自在,不执着任何事。考虑一下这个例子:布的基础是纱、线,事实上它依赖纱,而纱却不依赖布,纱不为布所影响,也不执着于布。纱是梵(道、上帝),布则是宇宙万象。
Just as the clouds cover the sun likewise the mind covers the soul (atma) from which it has originated.

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