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315 哪里可以找到神?哪个是膜拜神的最好地方?
Mar 25, 2012: Where can we find God? Which is the best place to offer worship to God? Bhagawan reminds us today.

In the Geeta Lord Krishna emphatically told Arjuna,"Many people anxious to offer uninterrupted worship to God, desire to go into the thick forest; this is an insane step. There is no need to seek the jungle as if I am only there. There is no place where I am not; there is no form which is not Mine. I am the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether! Where can you find a place devoid of one or other of these five? The fiery nature of fire is I Myself; I am life in all living beings. I am the strength of the strong, the strength that is free from greed and lust. To experience My presence and My glory, there is no special place, for I am everything, everywhere, ever."
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 12.
在薄伽梵歌里,主克里希那对阿周那强调:“很多人急想要持续不中断地膜拜神,想去茂密的森林里修行,这是疯狂。没有必要去森林 ─ 好像我只在那儿一样。没有一处地方我不在,没有一个形像不是我的相,我是地、水、火、风、空五大!你能找到一处没有这五大元素的地方吗?火的炙热本性,是我。我是众生的生命,我是强壮的人所具有的那股力量,那股不带贪与淫的力量。要体验我的临在与我的荣耀,没有特殊的地方,因为我是一切东西,我无所不在。”
Be always attentive to the signs of His Glory, His Mercy and His Omnipresence.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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