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312 为什么我们要检讨我们的思想?一个人的思想如何影响整个社会的福祉? |
Mar 22, 2012: Why should we have a check on our thoughts? How can a person’s thoughts influence the wellbeing of the society? Bhagawan explains today.
Today, people’s behaviour is not good because their thoughts are polluted. And because their thoughts and actions have become perverted, the country is passing through troubles and turmoil. People have filled their mind with thoughts of mundane, ephemeral, and transient things. These thoughts are negative in nature; only those based on Truth are positive. If the feelings and intentions behind your actions are good, the results will also be good. Sacred thoughts, good words, and noble deeds are the true human values. Thoughts are your permanent assets. As is the thought, so is the mind. If thoughts are good, humanity will blossom into Divinity.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 18, 1999. |
A heart saturated with love for God can never entertain thoughts of violence.
[赛的启示] |