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309 如何征服欲望,并获得灵性上的进展?
Mar 19, 2012: How to conquer desire and progress on the spiritual path? Bhagawan enlightens us today.

Following Dharma (virtuous conduct) purifies the mind and leads you to God. It creates a taste for the Name and the Form of God. For example, if you love the Name and Form of Lord Krishna, you will naturally respect and obey the command of Krishna which is found in the Bhagawat Gita. Have your chosen Divine Name on the tongue and the Form in your inner eye, then the demon called ‘Unending Desire’ will fly away from your mind, leaving joy and contentment within you. This kind of constant dwelling on the indwelling God will promote in you love for all beings. You will then see only good in others. You will strive only to do good to others.
- Divine Discourse, March 22, 1965.
Avoid hating, envying or even disliking anyone. Put love into practice through service.
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