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305 对于个人的问题和世界的问题,该有怎样的看法?
Mar 15, 2012: How should one perceive one's problems and the problems of the world in general? Bhagawan explains and reassures us today.

Many of you have come with problems of health or mental worry of some sort or other. They are mere baits by which you have been brought here, so that you may contact the Grace, and strengthen your faith in the Divine. Problems and worry are really to be welcomed as they teach you the lessons of humility and reverence. But, not all continue the attachment they are able to establish; they lose the fortune that has fallen into their hands. You will see the day when the Chithravathi sands alone can accommodate the gatherings that assemble here from all parts of the world; when the sky alone can provide a roof for them all. Many hesitate to believe that things will improve, that life for all will be happy and full of joy, that the Golden Age will ever recur. Let me assure you that this Dharmaswaruupa (Righteousness personified) has not come in vain. It will succeed in averting the crisis that has come upon Humanity.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 3, 1965.
It is a sign of indolence to think that you won’t suffer from grief or loss; they are inevitable. Earn the Grace of the Lord every minute; then, even mountains of sin can be reduced to dust.

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