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304 修行要及早,更要持续不断。世尊以阿周那与克里希那的对话强调此观念。
Mar 14, 2012: We should start early and persist every single day in our spiritual practices. Bhagawan reinforces to us today this idea through the conversation between Arjuna and Krishna.

In the Gita, Arjuna asks Krishna, “Is the mind so easily controllable? Even an elephant cannot drag one as the mind does; it is the nursery of waywardness, and its defiance, determination and obstinacy are very powerful. The mind will never halt at one place. Taming the mind is like capturing the wind or bundling up water. How can anyone control the mind or begin any spiritual practice with such a mind?” Krishna broke into a smile on hearing these words and said, "Arjuna! You have described the mind and know its nature very well. But it is not an impossible task; the mind can certainly be mastered. By systematic practice (abhyasa) and by relentless inquiry (vichara) and detachment (vairagya) - the mind definitely can be conquered. There is no task that cannot be accomplished by steady practice. Place faith in the Lord and practice with the firm belief that you have the power and the grace - then all tasks will become easy.”
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 11.
在《薄伽梵歌》里,阿周那问克里希那:“心念有那么容易控制吗? 唉,心念拖得动的东西,连大象都拖不动。心念是培育任性、刚愎、顽强等性质的温床,它非常顽固刚愎,难以控制,反抗性高,不服从性高,决心强烈。心念永远不会定于一处,驯服心念,犹如捕风捆水,有谁能控制心念? 以这种心念,又如何来修行?您的忠告根本没人做得到。”主听了为之一笑,“阿周那,你对心念作了一番很恰当的描述,你很清楚它的天性。然此事并非不可能,心念是可以调伏的。靠着按部就班的修习,靠着不停的探究,并且心无执着迷恋,心念一定能被驯服。靠着持续不断的修行,没有做不到的事。要对主有信心,坚信你有力量,也得到恩典,那一切就都容易了。”
Peace has to be attained through spiritual efforts, that is to say, through spiritualizing every thought, word and deed.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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