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300 我们应该以什么态度对待我们的日常生活?
Mar 10, 2012: With what attitude should we go about our daily activities? Bhagawan explains, showing us the path to enlightened living.

Give up the idea that you are the doer and that you are the beneficiary. You can do this by dedicating both deed and fruit to the Lord. Then, no sin can affect you, for you are not the doer and the deed must perforce be holy. Like oil on the tongue, collyrium on the eye, lotus leaf on water, the deed is with you, but not of you. Whatever you do or hear or see, you remain unaffected, devoid of deeds, innocent of listening or seeing. The joy derived from the external world opens the gateways of grief; it is fleeting. But you are eternal, the very source of Bliss, above and beyond all this, the Atma Swaroopa (Inner consciousness, God) itself. That is your genuine nature. You are unrelated to these activities that are called deeds and these consequences which you now mistake as real. You are not the doer, you are just the Witness, the Seer! All your perplexity has arisen from the delusion that you are the doer, from your ego and the sense of ‘mine.’ Know the Brahman. Take up the tasks but renounce the consequences. Giving up the fruit of activity is far superior to the giving up of activity itself. Karma Yoga is far superior to Karma Sanyasa.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 11.
放弃“我是(此事的)为者和受益人”这种心态,把行动和成果二者都献给上帝,那么你就不再受任何罪业影响 ─ 因为你不是为者,于是所做所为只好是神圣的了。行为就像舌头上的油脂、眼睛上的眼药水和水面上的莲叶,如影随形,但并不是“你的”。不管做什么、听到什么、看见什么,你都要如如不动,不受影响,为而无为,听而无听,视而无视。从外在世界得来的快乐,是打开了通往悲伤的大门,那快乐是短暂的。可是你是永恒的,你就是极乐的源头,超越所有这些,你的本来面目是阿特曼,你和那些行动、所做所为无关,和结果无关,你误认那些结果为真实不虚。你不是为者,你只是见证者、目击者。所有你的困惑,都是因为你的我执和“我所(mine:我的)”的妄见,认为自己是为者,而生起。要去知道梵(上帝)。工作,但不计较、不在乎结果,不求有结果。放弃行动的成果,远胜过放弃行动本身;把行动当作瑜伽,远胜过不从事行动。
You should be heroes in practice, not merely in platform speeches.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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