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297 所有修行努力的最高境界是什么? |
Mar 7, 2012: What state is the culmination of all spiritual efforts? Bhagawan explains to us today in a way we all can grasp.
The world is a structure raised on one strong pillar - ”I". This "I” is dormant during your deep sleep and hence there is no world so far as you are concerned. Similarly before you were born, and after you die, there is no world of which you are conscious. To acquire and stay fixed in this Jnana (wisdom), you must pass through the preparatory schools of Karma (dedicated activity) and Upaasana (contemplation). Dedicated activity helps you cleanse the heart of egoistic impulses. Contemplation helps you to consistently focus attention on the Universal, the Absolute. Then jnaana emerges and stays within you forever. Once you win that jnaana, you are the equal of the wisest, for there is nothing more to know.
- Divine Discourse, March 3, 1965. |
Let your every deed (Karma) be suffused with love, humility, compassion and non-violence.
[赛的启示] |