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296 人非圣贤,孰能无过?我们又如何才能得到无上的智慧?
Mar 6, 2012: We all have undoubtedly sinned in some situation or the other. How then will we attain the ultimate wisdom? Bhagawan reassures and enlightens us.

Sincere repentance is enough to transmute sin into sanctity. The Lord graciously accepts contrition and pours His blessings. Did not the dacoit Rathnakara, who was engaged in acts of sin until the moment when wisdom dawned, become a saint through repentance? He became Sage Valmiki (the author of the epic Ramayana), is it not? His story is proof of the value of contrition. You may ask, is it enough to be free from the effects of sin alone? Should not the effects of punya (merit) be given up too? Yes, you should. Just as the roaring forest fire reduces to ashes everything in its way; so too the mighty conflagration of wisdom (Jnana) will consume and destroy all sin and all merit.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 11.
诚心的忏悔,足以化罪过为神圣,主会仁慈的接受忏悔,降下祝福的法雨。大土匪Rathnakara不就是透过忏悔而变成圣者的吗? 他一直都在为恶,直到那一刻,他忽然大悟。结果不是成了圣者伐尔米基(《罗摩演义》的作者)吗? 他的故事证明了忏悔的价值。你也许会问,光只是免除自己的罪业,够吗? 功德不是也一样该放弃吗? 是的,应该抛弃。何以故? 虽然人没有放弃罪业的自由,却有放弃功德善业的自由。般若智能的巨火,能像辽原之火一般,消化、摧毁一切罪业与善业。
When the heart is pure, the light of wisdom shines.

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