主页 >> 赛的启示 |
291 如何反省我们的质量和性格,使我们在心灵之旅中不断取得进展? |
Mar 1, 2012: How to examine our qualities and traits and progress continuously in our spiritual journey? The Divine Master explains to us today.
All the joy you crave for is within you. You suffer like someone who has vast riches in the iron chest, but has no idea where the key is! The flames of anger, pride, hatred, envy, etc. are more devastating than normal fire. They arise in the mind stealthily and in spurts ever demanding more and more to feed upon. Fire is called as ‘anala’ meaning ‘Not Enough’. You dread fire when it leaps at a distance. What is to be said then of the fire that is inside your very self? How to douse these dangerous flames? There are proven extinguishers tested by experience and guaranteed by sages, and these are - Truth, Right Conduct, Peace and Love (Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema).
- Divine Discourse, March 1, 1965. |
所有你渴求的喜悦,都在你内部。你就像一个在铁柜里藏有大量财富,却苦于找不到钥匙的人! 瞋、我慢 (骄傲)、憎恶、嫉妒这些火焰,较之一般火焰,更具破坏力,它们偷偷在心中生起,一爆发开来,会不断要求你喂它更多东西。火被称为anala,意为“不够”,它永远不会说︰“够了”或“满足了”。火在一段距离之外向你吐舌,你就怕了,何况那种就在你内部的火焰。要如何灭这种危险的火? 有几种经过经验证明为有效,获得圣者保证的灭火器︰真理、义、宁静、爱,让你心中充满这些质量,你就能防火。
Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work – discard these bad qualities within you.
[赛的启示] |