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289 是否一定要去寻求和服侍得道者,以获得究竟知识吗?
Feb 28, 2012: Is it mandatory to seek and serve individuals who have attained the ultimate knowledge, to attain it oneself? Bhagawan clarifies today.

The word Jnana also means, the eagerness to realise the Atma thathwa (the Principle of the Atma) through inquiry from those with spiritual experience. If you are anxious to get this wisdom or experience, go to realised souls and win their grace. Study well their moods and manners, and await the chance to ask them for the help. When doubts arise, approach them calmly and courageously. No amount of sea water can slake one’s thirst. Similarly any hours of study of the scriptures will not help in solving our doubts. Jnana or the ultimate wisdom, can be won only from and through elders who have experienced the absolute. Serve them and win their love. Only then can this precious Jnana be won.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 10
I want each one of you to cultivate Purity, Love and Compassion.

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