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287 什么是真正的牺牲?什么是我们应该执行的祭祀?
Feb 26, 2012: What is true sacrifice? What is the kind of worship we should perform? Bhagawan reminds us what Krishna explained to Arjuna in the Gita.

Perform abhisheka (ceremonial bath given to the Deity) to the Atma-linga (the Divine within), with the waters of your own pure mental impulses (Chittha-vritthi). What is true yajna (ceremonial sacrifice)? Giving in charity accumulated wealth is Dravya yajnam. When all physical and mental activities are utilised for sadhana (spiritual discipline) it is Thapo yajna. Doing karma (action) but yet remaining unbound by it, is Yoga Yajna. When the chittha (mind) moves in one direction and the indriyas (sense organs) move in another, the person is doubly confused. So keep attachment afar. When you accomplish this, your every act becomes a sacrifice (Yajna). Whatever you speak becomes a holy mantra; and the place where you plant your foot is rendered holy.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 10.
The day when you understand that everything belongs to God, will be the day when wisdom descends on you.

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